Buy tickets online & travel instantly

Day Tickets

Day tickets available for travel on all eligible services.

Adult Day
  • 1 x Adult
  • Valid until end of service (03:00) on the day of activation
  • Activate within 12 months of purchase
  • SPECIAL OFFER PRICE - Travel on Warrington's Own Bus network
Adult Day + 1 Child
  • 1 x Adult, 1 x Under 16
  • Valid until end of service (03:00) on the day of activation
  • Activate within 12 months of purchase
  • Travel on Warrington's Own Bus network
Adult Day + 2 Children
  • 1 x Adult, 2 x Under 16s
  • Valid until end of service (03:00) on the day of activation
  • Activate within 12 months of purchase
  • Travel on Warrington's Own Buses network
Family Day Ticket
  • 2 x Adults, 3 x Under 16s
  • Valid until end of service (03:00) on the day of activation
  • Activate within 12 months of purchase
  • Travel on Warrington's Own Bus network

Weekly Tickets

Weekly tickets for all eligible services and our special offer service specific tickets

Adult Weekly
  • 1 x Adult
  • Valid for 7 days from activation
  • Activate within 12 months of purchase
  • Travel on Warrington's Own Bus network
Under 21 Weekly
  • 1 x Under 21
  • Valid for 7 days from activation
  • Activate within 12 months of purchase
  • Travel for all under 21s on Warrington's Own Bus network
This ticket requires that the user be verified before it can be activated.
  • 1 x Adult
  • Valid for 7 days from activation
  • Activate within 12 months of purchase
  • SPECIAL OFFER PRICE - Travel on Warrington's Own Buses services 16, 16A, 20 & 21
Westy Way
  • 1 x Adult
  • Valid for 7 days from activation
  • Activate within 12 months of purchase
  • SPECIAL OFFER PRICE - Travel on Warrington's Own Buses services 1, 2, 11 & 12
Widnes Weekly
  • 1 x Adult
  • Valid for 7 days from activation
  • Activate within 12 months of purchase
  • SPECIAL OFFER PRICE - Travel on Warrington's Own Buses service 32

4-Weekly Tickets

Tickets for 28 days travel on all eligible services

Adult 28 Day Ticket
  • 1 x Adult
  • Valid for 28 days from activation
  • Activate within 12 months of purchase
  • Travel on Warrington's Own Bus network for up to 28 days from activation
Under 21 28 Day Ticket
  • 1 x Under 21
  • Valid for 28 days from activation
  • Activate within 12 months of purchase
  • Travel for all under 21s on Warrington's Own Bus network
This ticket requires that the user be verified before it can be activated.

Annual Tickets

Tickets for travel on all eligible services

Adult Yearly
  • 1 x Adult
  • Valid for 365 days from activation
  • Activate within 12 months of purchase
  • Travel on Warrington's Own Bus network
Under 21 Yearly
  • 1 x Under 21
  • Valid for 365 days from activation
  • Activate within 12 months of purchase
  • Travel for all under 21s on Warrington's Own Bus network
This ticket requires that the user be verified before it can be activated.