Complaints Procedure

If our service doesn't live up to your expectations we want you to tell us about it so that we can try to put things right. If you wish to make a complaint please go to the Feedback page. You can also call us on 01925 634296 or write to us at the following address: 

Warrington's Own Buses 
Dallam Lane

If we can't give you an answer straight away we may need to launch an investigation and get back to you. Sometimes this can take some time, particularly if we need to talk to a driver, but we aim to get back to you within 10 working days.

Receipt of complaint

  • Receive complaint from passenger via feedback form, phone call or letter
  • Complainants on Twitter or Facebook are asked to complete our feedback form here
  • All complaints logged 
  • All complaints to be responded to with 10 working days

Investigation process

  • Trace bus and/or driver
  • Print off ticket data
  • Review CCTV from vehicle if necessary
  • Meeting with driver for his/her version of events
  • Outcome of any action taken goes on driver’s personal file
  • Log all details in complaints database
  • Send a reply to the complainant with as much detail as possible
  • KPIs on complaints sent to the business leadership team on a weekly basis
  • The relevant senior operational manager is continuously tasked with improving customer service to reduce complaints

Unresolved Complaints

If you don't feel we have resolved your complaint to your satisfaction you can contact Bus Users UK who will take things further for you.

Bus Users UK
Princes Exchange, Princes Square, Leeds LS1 4HY

Tel: 0300 111 0001
Email:[email protected]